Happy Birthday Tim Burton!

Tim Burton career fan art

The man responsible for creating lots of our favorite childhood AND teen angsty movies turns 56 today. Let’s take a moment and remind ourselves why he is so awesome.

There is a reason every emo kid on the planet rock their Hot Topic Jack Skellington swag no matter the season. “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is just the best Halloween movie of all time, and there’s really no argument about it.

Nightmare Before Christmas gif

Tim Burton also brought to film the most awesome dinner that’s ever happened in “Beetlejuice.” Beetlejuice Winona Ryder dancing gif

With the butt-shakiest moves… Beetlejuice table dance scene gif

… Complete with the strangest and creepiest characters, of course. Beetlejuice Tim Burton showtime gif

Let’s also not forget that thanks Tim Burton’s “Batman Returns,” we got to see the sexiest Catwoman interpretation ever, and then had many years of terrible Catwoman costumes and cosplay to enjoy afterwards.

Catwoman Batman Returns explosion gif

And of course. Tim Burton brought us countless awesome and adorably awkward moments with Johnny Depp’s handsome face. Especially this little gem from “Edward Scissorhands”: Edward Scissorhands Johnny Depp awkward gif

And then Tim Burton/Johnny Depp made us remember what it felt like to feel so alone and utterly misunderstood: Edward Scissorhands walking down hall gif

Years later Tim Burton/Jonny Depp showed us what it was like to be on a hot beach totally covered up in his angstiest goth attire, and then wonder why no one ‘gets him’ with Helena Bonham Carter in “Sweeny Todd.”Sweeny Todd beach scene Depp and Helena

Johnny Depp eventually realized a pattern emerging in his many film collaborations with Tim Burton and his lovely wife. Johnny Depp killing Helena in Tim Burton films gif funnyJohnny Depp I don't know what that means gif Tim Burton

But really, we all know that no matter what happens, Helena murder or not, – the Johnny Depp and Tim Burton bromance will live on forever. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton hug

What we mean to say is, happy birthday Tim Burton! May it be filled with ghouls, ghosts and all things in black and white stripes!

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